When managing inventory, businesses often focus on maintaining a steady flow of goods from production/purchase to the consumer. However, excess inventory and waste products are challenges that can disrupt this flow, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs. These...

Neesha Basnyat
Advantages and Disadvantages of Reverse Logistics
When thinking about supply chain management, most people imagine the process of goods flowing from manufacturers to suppliers to consumers. Goods, however, sometimes move backwards through the supply chain. When this occurs, it is called reverse logistics. There are...
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Excess Inventory
How much inventory should your company have on hand at any given time? Determining the answer to this question can be difficult, as the amount of inventory can have a large impact on a business’s financial performance. The right amount of excess inventory is unique to...
ESG Best Practices in Manufacturing
Over the past few years, ESG reports and investments have gained popularity as global issues like climate change worsen and the relationship between companies, consumers, and employees evolves. Edelman recently reported that 58% of consumers now buy from companies...
Benefits of Sustainable Manufacturing
What is Sustainable Manufacturing? According to the EPA, sustainable manufacturing is “... the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.”...
What Are Reverse Logistics Services?
Reverse logistics services are the process in which goods are moved from consumers to producers and how they are managed afterward. In plain speak, it’s the process where companies receive and manage unwanted or damaged returned goods. So, how do reverse logistics...